I wanted to give tribute to Garrick who 10 days ago broke his arm during a ice hockey game. Well it wasnt like he got checked or anything graphic. He was just setting up for a face off and his skate got caught in a rut and down he went. (kinda like getting hurt during timeout in basketball) I didn't actually see it. I had gone out to the car to get something and when I came back in everyone was off the ice and there was a bunch of guys hunch over a player in the corner. I was like did someone get hurt and the lady standing there said yes but she didn't know how bad. They took the player off the ice. I am standing there and looking into the stands for Steve and I dont see him. Dah! It was Garrick. So he has a little cast on but the next week he was smashing his hand into the glove to play in the last tounament of the season, good kid.
Can't just sit and watch we have to being doing something!!! Good luck with the cast Garrick and heal quickly!!!